Friday, February 17, 2012

Cambridge England

St John's College

This week we traveled to Cambridge England to Visit Joan's brother who recently move there to be close to his daughter and recently born grandson.  He actually lives just west of Cambridge in a village called Hardwick where his daughter, grandson and daughter's partner live. His daughter Kathryn who is a primary school teacher also visited us during our stay.

Cambridge is  about 200 miles from Liverpool and the drive to Hardwick was a 4 hour journey. Since Joan's back has troubled her recently we made several stops so she could have a chance to stretch.  

Although we were there for 4 days we only had time to visit Cambridge one day.  On Tuesday we visited with John's family and on Wednesday I helped John with fitting a storage shelf in his entry way.  

Cambridge University made up of 31 colleges and is one of the oldest universities in the world with it's origins going back to the 1200's. Cambridge is on the par with Harvard and MIT in terms of academic standing.  

While touring the city we were able to enter the college grounds to St John's college and found time for Lunch at the Fitzwilliam Museum.  I had my GPS as usual which indicated we walked about 4.5 miles.

Bicycles Everywhere
I was taken back by the number of bicycles in the city.  I do believe that Cambridge has more bicycles per square foot than any other city in England or the United States.  Bikes were everywhere. We passed one of the Cambridge Colleges where I would swear they had 500 bicycles parked. 

Mathematical Bridge
I found the mathematical bridge to be interesting.  Legend has it that the bridge was built without nails or bolts but I later found that was not true.  The original bridge was built with spikes that were hidden and when the bridge was rebuilt years later it was was bolted together.  

We returned to Hardwick by bus rested a bit after our long day in Cambridge then had a gourmet meal at a local pub close to John's home.  We decided to drive to the pub since we were exhausted from our day in the city.  I think John about had a heart attack from the ride because as I entered the roadway from his home I ended up driving on the on the right lane.  I was confused for a moment as it was very dark and there were no cars on the road.  I thought the lane to my left was a bus lane but quickly realized I was driving in the right lane used by oncoming traffic.  I do not think John will ever ride with me again.

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